I finally arrived at New Delhi at night. It was 02.00 am and as always, when I stepped out of the aeroplane I was hit by the special odour of India... a scent that brought back all my previous experiences in this wonderful country. There was a heavy fog, and the representatives of Hospimédica, the distributor of the GreenLight laser in India, came to pick me up and drove me to the hotel. I was half asleep when I reached there. The next morning I had to operate at the Army Hospital (Research and Referral), in the afternoon I had to lecture on BPH treatment with the Greenlight laser.

The hospital had an amazing intelligent operating room. The surgery went fine, it was transmitted to the conference room. The patient had a relatively small prostate and the operation only took 30 minutes. I greeted the patient and then I went down to the conference room where I found some old friends, as Dr. Wadhwa, Dr. Sood and Dr. Gupta.

Later on I dictated my conference and I attendend a banquet celebrating the congress, with an indian orchestra and all. I enjoyed Indian food and the company of the indian urologists and the Hospimedica personnel, and then I rushed to the airport, that was unbelievably filled up to its limit with people. It was an oddyssey to reach the plane.
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