This morning I had to wake up early to take a plane to Barcelona, to participate at the Annual International Course organised by the prestigious Fundació Puigvert. My role was to moderate a live surgical session where Dr. Montlleó performed a Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate with the 80 Watt KTP laser. After the training sessions I conducted at Puigvert, and after having operated 15 patients, she was able to perform a wonderful operation. We took the opportunity and we discussed in depth the advantages of this technique over conventional surgery in the treatment of BPH.

This has been an impressive course, world class surgeons were invited and the best technical resources were available. The conference room was totally silent, because there were two simultaneous operations being retransmitted and the attendees had the option of chosing what surgery and comments to listen. Also, to appreciate the surgeon's point of view in robotic operations, all attendees wore 3D goggles. An espectacular course!!!
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