Once again I flew to La Coruña to participate in a training session. In this ocassion we had a difficult case, a patient with a 135 gram prostate. After spending the afternoon there, I took the plane back to Madrid. This is a busy week, this Thursday I will do an early morning PVP and then I will take the plane to Bilbao, in the north of Spain. I am going to witness a case of radical
prostatectomy for prostate cancer with the "Da Vinci" surgical robot. Then I will travel to Valencia Friday and Saturday, where I will conduct a training session where we will operate four patients. In order to make this posting more interesting, I will explain what kind of instruments we use for Greenlight PVP.
This is a photograph of the cystoscope we use for PVP, it is thinner than the classic resectoscope used in TURP (Transurethral resection of the prostate). The laser fiber is introduced throuhg the cystoscope's working channel, and is provided with a plastic knob that allows to rotate it, introduce it or withdraw it easily to ensure prostate vaporization.

The black piece is the telescope's visor, traditionally one would look through it with the naked eye, but when working with lasers eye protection is a must, that is why we connect this visor to a surgical endoscopic video camera, but in order to protect the camera from the intensity of the greenlight laser (the reflection of the laser light could break the camera), we use a filter between the visor and the camera. This explains why in the photographs of the technique I publish here, the laser fibre appears green, but in the endoscopic videos the laser light looks like orange. This filter blocks the specific wavelenght of the greenlight laser (532 nm).
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